Antique Lighting Fixture Restoration
Baker Brothers Electric Rebuilds 1930's Era Light Fixtures for Taft Junior High in Oklahoma City
Since Tom and Paul Baker and all their siblings attended Taft Junior High, it was with pleasure and pride that they enjoyed cleaning, sand blasting and refinishing these “old school” fixtures.
They installed new stainless hardware and added perforated stainless steel in the bottom to prevent pests from nesting in the fixtures. Automotive paints were used on the exterior surfaces for a durable, long-lasting finish. Both fixtures feature LED light sources. The large fixture was re-engineered with color-changing LEDs in the top portion controlled by remote control.
Give us a call for a quote on our Antique Lighting Fixture Restoration Service.

Before Restoration

After Restoration

After Restoration

After Restoration

Before Restoration

After Restoration

Before Restoration

After Restoration